A downloadable game for Windows


WASD or Arrow - Walk

E - Interact

Space - Fill

Enter - Confirm

Use the Mouse to Control the PC


After The Great Drought hit society in 20XX, a man named Stan stepped up to challenge of bringing water to the world! 

In this 3D Pixel Art Game, you will enjoy the THRILL of using many different methods to FILL WATER BOTTLES and DELIVER THEM BY DRONE

Complete Orders, Get Paid, UPGRADE, Complete More Orders, SAVE THE WORLD!

This game was created as a submission to Pixel Game Jam 2024! I spent many hours/days on this project as I am a beginner (this is my first game release), and as I type this I have not slept in over 36 hours. It is done though! YAY! Hope y'all enjoy is as it was really a passion project these last 8 days (was out of town for the first two days of the jam lol)!

#pixelgamejam2024 #beginner

Solo Developer, Alice, https://thelogixkitten.itch.io/



TheWaterMan.zip 55 MB

Install instructions

Simply Unzip the executable (.exe) and .pck file to any directory you wish and run TheWaterMan.exe! 

Note: The game is forced to 1920x1080 Borderless Fullscreen due to time constraints and issues I was having with modifying flags on Godot DisplayServer at runtime. The project looks best at this resolution and most people have FullHD or higher these days, so I figured it won't likely be an issue. 

Apologies if it is...

 ^0.0^ LogixKitten


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Cute! I like the art and fun sound effects :)
